
Main city of the Veneto region and unparalleled lagoon city. Elegant, invaluable, inimitable, amusing, romantic: this is Venice, the gem of the Venetian and Italian tourism scenario, where churches, palaces, ancient bridges, monuments and squares are witness to the artistic and cultural vivacity that has marked and still marks the history of this city.

Around Venice, a corolla of islands: Burano, famous for the production of lace; Murano, renowned for glassmaking; Pellestrina, featuring sandy dunes and reed thickets; Torcello, one of the most ancient human settlements in the area.

75 km by car: A4 motorway entering at Portogruaro, exit Venezia Est/Aeroporto

Parking in Piazzale Roma: daily parking cost from € 23.00 to € 29.00 depending on the car.

By train: trains leave Portogruaro Station approximately every half an hour. There is a large car park at the station.

By ferry: you can park at Punta Sabbioni, where ferries leave approximately every 30 minutes. We suggest buying a € 20.00 daily ticket which entitles you to use all the Venice and Lagoon ferries for 24 hours.


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